Sunday, October 21, 2018

10/21/2018 - Wow, I'm back already

Okay, here I am, one week later, writing another journal entry.  I'm a little impressed by that.  I don't feel like doing any more 'Previously On' for now, so I'll just go over this week.

This week was a fairly typical one.  I worked, I took our dog for walks or bike rides almost every night, I took my daughter to swim team, I did scouts with my son, I went on a date with my wife.

At work, I got to go to a free convention (Boise Startup Week) a few times, and I learned some interesting things and did some networking.  I met a professor from ISU (where I got my undergrad), and he might have me do a presentation for one of his classes.  That could be cool.

At scouts, most of the boys (including mine) were being very disrespectful.  I felt like I had to get them back on task every few minutes.  I don't like being a disciplinarian, especially to other peoples' kids, but this was ridiculous.  They were learning to take care of cars, but they weren't paying attention.  They were loud and incredibly rude.  I did repeatedly tell them to be respectful, but I still felt like more was needed.  I teach some of the same boys at church, so I talked about respect during part of the lesson today.  I hope it sinks in.

The date my wife and I went on last night was really fun.  It was simple, but fun.  We got a little food (mostly just a snack) in Boise, then we got a couple of the lime scooters that were set up this week.  We rode all over and had a great time.  There was a lot of laughing.

Anyway, nothing too big this week, but I wanted to touch base anyway.

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